Monday, March 28

I'm 50!

 coconut cake made from scratch by Meg
 party flags
 my mom and me
 cupcake heaven...and ginger creams (thanks La)

 beautiful roses!
My B-Day weekend. Fabulous party put on by Megan with some help from the brothers. Food, friends, and lots of good conversation. 50 roses from my honey! This is what 50 looks like on me.

I set out to do 50 things by age 50 two years ago...I got close but still have stuff to do....maybe I'll do a 55 by 55 and see if I can complete it.

Someone asked me if I was really okay about being 50?  Yes I am. It is really no big deal. Age is just a marker. I look at living this long as an adventure. I know I have a lot more adventure to come. Some of the things It wanted to do by 50 were;  to loose weight and I lost most of it, re-found a little but I am back on the diet wagon......I mean the eating healthy and exercise wagon. I wanted to be healthier by 50 and I am and doing better every day at taking care of myself. 
So now I begin the next 50....I know it will be a bigger and better adventure; after all we come from a long line of 'long livers.'



Melwel said...

Loved the fun party...and house and YOU looked fabulous!
Thanks for including us usual!

Angela Brown said...

Great pictures. Great party. Great family. You are a very blessed woman (and we are blessed to have you as a sister.)

Unknown said...

Congrats Marcie! What a geat daughter Megan is! The treats look yummy,and I love your house colors. You look marvelous too. Here's to 50 more.
Oh, ps, aren't you sad we aren't on the bus headed to Seattle!!??