Saturday, February 5


Wow working with the public at the theatre is such a fun (yes, that is sarcasm). People say the dumbest things. I think that they must shut off their brains when they go is not appealing. If you come after the movie has started .....we can't rewind it nor should we since all we would be doing then is punishing those who can tell time and come before it starts. Also if you are late don't be surprised when the only seats that are available are not in the prime location you would like to sit in...then you tell me that there are no empty seats except on the front row...ah wait you just said there were no seats, so really there are no seats where you want to sit. And when I say there are no seats together, why do you ask if there are two together? And film content, if you think you are going to be offended, then don't go out to the movies, Or get out more. G rated movies are few and far between, and you would probably take offense at the low brow humor that any current G movie would contain. I don't make the movies I just show them....and yes, my goal is to show a movie that is offensive to you, or bad, or stupid, etc.......And why would whoever movie star or director make such a bad movie? I bet that that is exactly what their goal was when they made the 'bad' movie. .....and you look like you could possibly be intelligent adults.
And sometimes the employees are even dumber...."there are commercials before the movie?" I think they are called previews, trailers, coming attractions...Also what don't you understand about not trading a shift with a new employee until after the 22 of February or serving a customer first, or dumping the burning popcorn into good popcorn, or turning on the popper so you don't run out of popcorn, or rubbing your nose and then serving the customers, or shouting 'what do you want' in a most unfriendly manner.......I could go on and on.
I know just another busy night at the K-town.

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