Tuesday, November 16

Semi- Normal

Life is getting back to normal....almost. The Musical closed last night. It was very good. Hayden did an excellent job, so did Jenna. As for the Production staff I think this was one of the better shows. Angela did a bang up job as Director and Producer. The Dancing was great thanks to Mom- Sheri, Melinda, Megan and Aaron.....I guess that gene didn't find me. I had a tone of compliments about the costume design....so I guess over all it was a great show....now on to the next one.

The painting is done in Nelson's new room.....but it now needs to be furnished. Gary and I went out looking to buy this afternoon......and we were successful! Now for the put together part. We still need a mattress and a few other things done before next Tuesday, but it will happen. Yes I said Tuesday. I want it all ready by Tuesday so don't have to worry about it on Wednesday.....the excitement is getting crazy!!!

I am extremely busy for the rest of this week, but then what is new. I am glad to be busy on one hand, on the other I wish I had time to do a bit more.......oh, well, life is what it is.

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